So i was walking from my office to the radio station at night the other day when i came across the unfriendliest dog. It was loping around at night on the green late at night. It had these big triangle ears and a bushy tail. I tried to catch it, but it made these weird yipping noises and darted away.
I saw the cutest dog walking to the cantab the other day. It had this adorable black stripe across its face and this really fun striped tail. It looked like it was a part boston terrier. Must have been a cross or something. It was the funniest thing, it would sit on its hind legs and pick up things with its forepaws. I didn't even know dogs could do that. Anyway, I chased it away from the garbage -- totally did his owner a favor!
I saw this really tiny brown chihuahua the other day. It was hanging out by the coffee station in building. It must be a new office dog, because i don't think i'd seen it before then. It was really well behaved though. Mostly kept to itself, was super quiet. Didn't even have a collar! We really need more office dogs as well behaved as this one. Hope to see more of it!